How to handle a "stored function" ?
I handled a "stored function" like a "stored procedure" and got the exception:
"The request for procedure 'XY' failed because 'XY' is a function object."
Can someone provide me example code how to handle "stored functions" ?
I think you are talking about user defined functions.
If so - udf's are not callable directly. Try this: "select XY (... )"
You are right - with "select XY(...)" I get "XY is not a recognized function name". What is missing?
You may need to do SELECT dbo.XY(..)
where dbo is the database owner that created the function.
I am not sure if this example solves your problem.
Notice the owner before the function name.
SELECT dbo.DateOnly(GETDATE())
Or if your function returns a table as a result the you can use it like a normal table:
SELECT * FROM dbo.MyFunction()
Paul June A. Domag
Labels: ado, exceptionquotthe, failed, functionquot, handle, handled, net, procedure, procedurequot, quotstored, request
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